A single wind turbine and battery energy storage system with combined total generating capacity of up to 19.9 megawatts is proposed for development at Luggie’s Knowe, Lerwick.

The proposed development will replace two previously consented wind turbines. Planning permission was granted in 2012 for the construction and operation of three wind turbines. One of the consented wind turbines was constructed and has been operational since 2015.

Shetland Aerogenerators is also exploring routing community benefit payments from the development into schemes such as Hjaltland Housing Association’s existing Fuel Vouchers scheme, which will help some people experiencing fuel poverty to pay their energy bills

If consent for the project is granted, construction work could start in 2025 depending on availability of technology. The build time is estimated to be between 9-12 months.

Shetland Aero submits Planning Application for single wind turbine - replacing two already consented turbines - and explores payments to reduce fuel poverty. | Shetland Aerogenerators (burradale.co.uk)